The Power to Reshape Your Life

reshape your lifeWe each have a decision to make daily to progress and make positive changes, or to remain the same and regress. In order to avoid remaining in the same state or shape, moving backward, or reverting to an earlier or less advanced state in our life, we each must choose to get up and take the necessary steps to reshape our life.

1. Make a decision about what you want
What do you desire for your life? What are you hoping to become? What do you believe will change your life for the better? Examine your health, appearance, relationships, education, career, extra-curricular activities, who you are sowing into, and who is sowing into you. Does your current state in life align with what you truly value? As you examine your life and everyday experience, does it reveal or reflect your goals, desires, passion, and interests? What needs to change?

2. Change your thinking
Consider how you got to where you currently are. Get rid of your previous ways of thinking, possible selfish attitudes, and be open to new ways of looking at the world around you. If you are desiring or craving changes, your previous outlook or view has not resulted in the life or experience you desire. Be committed to reading, listening to, or learning something new everyday. New information and systems of belief are needed to create new habits and new life experiences. If you are not seeing change, don’t blame what is outside of you for work you have not done or won’t do within you. No one can control what enters your mind and and what is birthed from your spirit and life but you. It’s never too late to change the way you think. Make a decision to learn something new and transform your mind today.

3. Get emotionally healthy.
Emotional health and well-being will allow you to remain focused to complete your daily tasks and enable you to fulfill your life purpose. Grow beyond your broken heart, rise above what others have done to you, make a decision to excel and fly anyway. Refuse to abort your destiny. You are going to need to be open to meaningful relationships, partnering with and learning from others to achieve your dreams and goals. Emotional baggage makes this nearly impossible. Decide to seek out a professional for counseling if necessary, start to journal, begin meditating, be willing to do the work. Whatever it takes, make a decision today to regain your emotional health.

4. Develop a plan
How are you going to get to your desired destination? Who are you going to partner with and learn from in order to develop the habit or life you want? Write down your vision and what you intend to do. Break that vision down into actual steps you are going to take. Implement your plan one step, one change at a time. Be certain that the vision is something you are on fire about, and that the plan of action is one that you will enjoy. No one wants to get up each day and dread their schedule, plan of action, and to do list. You are the only one with the power to make choices and daily decisions to make sure your life and schedule includes what you enjoy and are passionate about.

5. Change your actions
What actions got you to where you are? What have you been doing with your time each day? You have to change what you do in order to reshape each area of your life. If you do not like the current state of anything about your life, you have to make a change or it will remain the same. This means you will likely have to step out of your comfort zone. Once you develop a willingness to press beyond your current level of comfort, consistency is required to reshape your life so be determined to take action daily. Whether you desire to lose weight, regain your health, start a business, write a book, meet a financial goal or learn another language. You are going to have to take action daily to see the manifestation of your goal. Schedule your actions. Make them rhythmic and habitual. Be sure that your daily routine reflects what you say you desire to accomplish. Create a system of tracking and accountability through a checklist, spreadsheet or journal to track what you are doing and accomplishing daily. Send a message to your mind, body, spirit, and the world that you will achieve what you set out to do through your commitment to daily action to reach your goals. It’s time to move into your destiny. Make the necessary changes, decide to plan your work and work your plan, and start today!

Reshape your mind, reshape your body, reshape your spirit. Get results. To have a program designed to help you make changes and an accountability partner on your journey, hire a coach today.

Love and blessings,

Let us help you transform your life, relationships, health, business, & career one day at a time!

Copyright © 2015 · Marla McCarthy · All Rights Reserved

Get Organized In Every Room

Organizing Every RoomDeveloping a system and good habits are essential steps in creating a clean and organized home. So today I want to share with you some of my favorite organizing tips, strategies, and ideas.

1. Make it enjoyable

To make a habit of implementing your cleaning and organization system, you must make it an enjoyable experience. First, find a way to keep your end goal in mind. Create a vision board filled with images of the type of environment in your home that you are going to create. Keep the end goal in mind at all times. Next, fill your home with your favorite scent before you start cleaning. Wonderful aromas can be very motivating to make the look of your home match the amazing scent. Finally, turn on your favorite motivational music as you clean. Music can be very energizing and can help to increase your motivation to finish the task at hand.

2. Learn from others

Developing organizational skills does not require you to start from scratch. You do not have to re-invent the wheel. You can obtain organizing inspiration, storage and organizing ideas from various books, magazines, blogs, and websites. There are many great ideas for cleaning and organizing along with instructions for how to reach your goals available to you at your finger tips.

3. Chart your progress

Having a chart or daily to-do list to mark off as you move from one task and from one room to another can help you feel more accomplished and keep you motivated.

4. Take one step at a time

Organizing and cleaning one’s home can feel like an overwhelming task when one begins. However, if you commit to taking one step at a time or starting in one small corner of a room and moving around the room to the other side until it is complete, then the task of cleaning and organizing can begin to feel much less overwhelming.

All of our homes are different, therefore we each have to figure out exactly what systems and habits are best for us. However, we can learn from others, develop a clear plan, make adjustments as necessary, and commit today to taking the first step to seeing a clean, orderly, and organized home manifest and become a reality. If any room or task feels overwhelming, break it down into smaller tasks on your to do list. As you mark off each action you have completed, you will feel much more accomplished at the end of each day. Know as you embark upon this journey, know that you are fully capable. Create your to-do list, pick one small task, and complete it right now. You will then be one step closer to your ultimate goal.

We want to hear from you! What motivates you to create an organized environment, and what cleaning and organizing tips have worked best for you? Leave your comments below.


Lighted Path Coaching (LPC) – Let us help you transform your life, relationships, health, business, & career one day at a time!

Copyright © 2015 · Lighted Path Coaching · All Rights Reserved

Acquire the Career You Desire

acquire careerLife experiences and circumstances can at times dampen one’s belief that they can build or create the life they desire. The barriers and obstacles that you experience or perceive in your life can seem limiting and insurmountable. The truth is that you were born with everything you need to construct the existence you desire, and the future you’ve dreamed of. Here are five ways that you can take action toward achieving your personal, career, and financial goals and dreams.

1. Use your time wisely. We all have numerous demands on our time and energy. However, in most cases there are moments that we can all consciously decide to make better choices in order to open up time in our day to start working toward our goals. Even if you  only begin with 5-15 minutes, those few moments each day can lead to the complete transformation of your life. One positive change can lead to you making more positive changes. Therefore, do something everyday to develop the knowledge and skills you need for success. Once you set aside or reserve time to enhance your life, use it to do homework, improve your skills, prepare your resume, prepare for interviews, or build a business and become an entrepreneur. Find something you love, enjoy, and are passionate about to work toward so that you can look forward to and be excited about setting aside this special time to build the life you want. What can you move around or change in your daily schedule to create at least 5-15 minutes at the beginning or end of each day to start working toward living your dreams?

2. Increase in education. Education is one of the most important components to success. Work toward obtaining your degree or certifications. If it is not possible at this very moment, begin educating yourself. You can develop or train your mind, increase in knowledge, boost your capabilities, and develop your character through reading and studying books, information on the internet, and other materials, independently on your own until other opportunities open up. It will be your willingness to develop your mind on your own that will increase your ability and skill level to pave the way for opportunities. Give thought and consideration to what you want, develop a plan, use all the resources around you, and increase in knowledge each day to get there. Resolve to be a lifetime learner. Do everything you can to develop your mind, enhance your communication skills, and strengthen your spirit to prepare for your future life experiences and promotions.

3. Develop connections. Circumstances in life that can cause one to end up with few or no connections that can aid them in creating, developing or re-launching their desired career. A pregnancy, time raising children, a change of location or move across or outside of the country, gaps in employment, a prolonged illness, or any extended leave of absence from work can all potentially cause you to be momentarily isolated. If this is the position you find yourself in, take steps when possible to begin connecting socially with others. Find a mentor in your area of interest who has done what you aim to do, and done it well. Talk to a career counselor or academic adviser. Volunteer in your community and create bonds with others who you share common interests. Find individuals or groups with whom you can work toward a cause or purpose that is important to you. If you can’t get out much for financial reasons, health issues, or other constraints, network online. Use the wisdom, knowledge, gifts, and skills you possess now until you can progress into other opportunities later. Associate with community and professional organizations or associations in your area of interest or field of expertise. Don’t let anything be a roadblock to your goals. One day at a time, make an effort toward connecting with others who can provide you with knowledge, wisdom, and even encouragement to achieve your highest hopes and aspirations.

4. Consider changing locations. It may be that your hometown or your current city of residence does not have the capacity or is not conducive to you achieving your goals. To make a decision about the best location for you there are a couple of questions you must ask yourself. Is where you currently live or reside the best setting for you to live your dreams? Does your current location have the most opportunities and the greatest potential for you to thrive in your area of interest? Or is there a better location in the world that may increase the chances for your success? It may be possible for you to succeed or even create a market for your niche where you’re at, but it may be necessary to consider a better location. This step may not be desirable or immediately feasible for everyone, but it does not mean that it will not be a possibility in your future. If you can’t move immediately and you desire to do so, you can start gathering information, education, connections, and eventually resources to make it your reality.

5. Develop drive and perseverance. You have to be relentless in your pursuit of your goals, because your goals and dreams depend on you and you alone. It is your determination, your gift(s), your demonstration of your trustworthiness, and your resourcefulness that will make room for you. Everyone in life experiences road blocks of some sort. It may feel like some individuals experience way more than others. However, whatever becomes a part of your life journey happens or exists because you are strong enough to handle it. Whatever you’ve been through has provided you with the strength, knowledge, wisdom, and experience to fulfill your purpose and reach your destiny. Nothing will ever be a part of your life experience that you are not strong enough to bear and overcome. Be resolved to prove to the world, but most importantly to yourself, what you are capable of. Develop an unwavering determination down in your spirit to go over, around, under, or bust straight through any barrier that attempts to stand in your path or hinder your destiny. You are the only thing limiting you. Take your life out of the hands of everyone else and place it back in your own. You were created to be an over comer.

Use every moment of each day wisely, be proactive, plan ahead, and learn all you can. Decide where you want your skill set to take you, increase in knowledge, build strong relationships by demonstrating your skill set and talent, ask for wisdom and advice when necessary, and enlist the help of others. Don’t let people who are not willing to help, those who don’t wish you well, or those who have given up on their dreams discourage you. Set your goals and achieve them anyway. One day at a time, with or without the support of those around you, you can create the life you desire!

For an excellent tool to help you build the life of your dreams check out the Create The Life You Want Now: Quarterly Goal Journal. Discover your own path to success, work toward a more balanced life, & improve your relationships. Get your copy today!

Available for purchase now on,, &!

Lighted Path Coaching (LPC) – Let us help you transform your life, relationships, health, business, & career one day at a time!

Copyright © 2013 · Lighted Path Coaching · All Rights Reserved

Four key points to increase productivity in the workplace

productivityIn today’s workplace it is important that employees produce. However, this is difficult to accomplish if  managers are unable to motivate them to do so. Performance deficiencies within a company or organization are many times the result of failing to manage relationships well. When you improve relationships between management and employees, a boost in morale results and productivity increases.

The average worker spends more time with their office family than they do with their own families. This adds an interesting dichotomy to the workplace as people are investing more time, but oftentimes this time does not equate to an increase in productivity. Many circumstances outside of work lend to this lack of productivity. These stress factors can stem from health issues, societal and cultural changes, or issues revolving around a redefined family dynamic. With all these factors, how do employers keep their employees motivated while on the clock?

There is a direct correlation between improving employee/management relationships, and an increase in workplace productivity. A narrow focus on improving employee performance without enhancing workplace relationships is a futile effort.  Training provided to your employees will not mean anything if they do not have a desire to implement what they have learned. Numerous hours of management training is also no substitute for stepping in the trenches and creating a bond with your workers.  You will be ineffective at receiving the desired organizational results until you understand the value of enhancing this relationship.

Four key points for management to establish good relationships within the workplace:

1. Align your actions with your mouth. If people cannot trust you, then you cannot expect them to put forth 100% effort. .
2. Take moment to see things from their perspective
3. Don’t underestimate kindness or a friendly tone.
4. Give your employees the tools they need to perform their job.

Strive to establish a positive rapport, always have an empathetic disposition, and empower your employees. To effectively manage you must examine your thoughts toward those you manage, your words and your actions. Attempt to discern why your employees have been unmotivated to work for you. Once you answer that question, consider how you can improve or communicate better with them in order to improve their workplace performance. Sometimes this can simply be done by asking people for their opinion. When people feel you have a vested interest in them, they will be more likely to have a vested interest your company. This usually results in employees being willing to work harder and  implement your plans to increase efficiency and productivity.

Lighted Path Coaching (LPC) – Let us help you transform your life, relationships, health, business, & career one day at a time!

Copyright © 2013 · Lighted Path Coaching · All Rights Reserved