Archives for January 20, 2015

Get Organized In Every Room

Organizing Every RoomDeveloping a system and good habits are essential steps in creating a clean and organized home. So today I want to share with you some of my favorite organizing tips, strategies, and ideas.

1. Make it enjoyable

To make a habit of implementing your cleaning and organization system, you must make it an enjoyable experience. First, find a way to keep your end goal in mind. Create a vision board filled with images of the type of environment in your home that you are going to create. Keep the end goal in mind at all times. Next, fill your home with your favorite scent before you start cleaning. Wonderful aromas can be very motivating to make the look of your home match the amazing scent. Finally, turn on your favorite motivational music as you clean. Music can be very energizing and can help to increase your motivation to finish the task at hand.

2. Learn from others

Developing organizational skills does not require you to start from scratch. You do not have to re-invent the wheel. You can obtain organizing inspiration, storage and organizing ideas from various books, magazines, blogs, and websites. There are many great ideas for cleaning and organizing along with instructions for how to reach your goals available to you at your finger tips.

3. Chart your progress

Having a chart or daily to-do list to mark off as you move from one task and from one room to another can help you feel more accomplished and keep you motivated.

4. Take one step at a time

Organizing and cleaning one’s home can feel like an overwhelming task when one begins. However, if you commit to taking one step at a time or starting in one small corner of a room and moving around the room to the other side until it is complete, then the task of cleaning and organizing can begin to feel much less overwhelming.

All of our homes are different, therefore we each have to figure out exactly what systems and habits are best for us. However, we can learn from others, develop a clear plan, make adjustments as necessary, and commit today to taking the first step to seeing a clean, orderly, and organized home manifest and become a reality. If any room or task feels overwhelming, break it down into smaller tasks on your to do list. As you mark off each action you have completed, you will feel much more accomplished at the end of each day. Know as you embark upon this journey, know that you are fully capable. Create your to-do list, pick one small task, and complete it right now. You will then be one step closer to your ultimate goal.

We want to hear from you! What motivates you to create an organized environment, and what cleaning and organizing tips have worked best for you? Leave your comments below.


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